TaoMix 2
TaoMix 2

TaoMix2offersauniqueandeasywaytocreateyourownsoundscapesthatcanevolverandomlyovertime,foraperfectimmersion.1.Addambientsoundsand ...,享受您的放鬆和冥想課程,或睡個好覺。‣‣‣功能:•輕鬆創建隨時間演變的獨特音景。•收集並混合130多種精心挑選的環境聲音...

TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S

TaoMix2offersauniqueandeasywaytocreateyourownsoundscapesthatcanevolverandomlyovertime,foraperfectimmersion.1.Addambientsoundsand ...

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TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S

TaoMix 2 offers a unique and easy way to create your own soundscapes that can evolve randomly over time, for a perfect immersion. 1. Add ambient sounds and ...

TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S

享受您的放鬆和冥想課程,或睡個好覺。 ‣‣‣功能: •輕鬆創建隨時間演變的獨特音景。 •收集並混合130多種精心挑選的環境聲音和輕鬆的旋律。 •錄製並混合您自己的聲音。可能 ...

TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S for Android

TaoMix 2 offers a unique and easy way to create your own soundscapes that can evolve randomly over time, for a perfect immersion. 1. Add ambient sounds and ...

TaoMix 2 for Android

Download TaoMix 2 for Android, one of the most popular apps from the developer inookta studio inc., and for free. Find it in Uptodown.com.

TaoMix 2 可自訂專屬於自己,並隨機播放的白噪音免費App

2018年12月22日 — TaoMix 2 可自訂專屬於自己,並隨機播放的白噪音免費App.

TaoMix 2: Sleep Sounds & Focus 4+ - App Store

Let yourself be lulled by relaxing and immersive soundscapes inspired by nature. Customize your creations and share them with friends and family! Download ...

TaoMix 2: 睡眠聲音與焦點4+

簡介. 放松自己,用TaoMix 2获得更好的睡眠。 让自己置身于放松和身临其境的大自然氛围。个性化您的创意,并与您的亲人分享。 立即下载TaoMix 2,进入无限的声音世界。

下載TaoMix 2

下載TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S安卓版1.1.4,從APKPure下載TaoMix 2 - Relax with Nature S最新版本。


2021年9月30日 — 「TaoMix 2」本身內建各種主題聲音,但使用者也可付費取得更多聲音,即使不額外付費,光是免費提供的聲音庫就已經夠多,讓使用者能自由組合出自己喜歡的 ...


TaoMix2offersauniqueandeasywaytocreateyourownsoundscapesthatcanevolverandomlyovertime,foraperfectimmersion.1.Addambientsoundsand ...,享受您的放鬆和冥想課程,或睡個好覺。‣‣‣功能:•輕鬆創建隨時間演變的獨特音景。•收集並混合130多種精心挑選的環境聲音和輕鬆的旋律。•錄製並混合您自己的聲音。可能 ...,TaoMix2offersauniqueandeasywaytocreateyourownsoundscapesthatcanevolverandomlyovertime,foraperfectimmers...